Hvis dit fly bliver forsinket eller aflyst, har du i mange tilfælde mulighed for at få kompensation.
Hvis du ikke selv vil have besværet med at få berettiget erstatning, kan du få hjælp på www.flyforsinkelser.dk . Her kan du også se opdaterede regler.
Da jeg i marts 2015 blev to dage forsinket ud af USA fik jeg via Flyforsinkelser.dk 4.471 kr i godtgørelse!
Her er reglerne gældende i Europa: (der sker ofte ændringer, så tjek selv de nyeste regler).
for kompensation og bistand til luftfartspassagerer ved boardingafvisning og ved aflysning eller lange forsinkelser KOMPENSATION VED FORSINKELSE : Pkt. 1. Forplejning , 2 gratis telefonopkald – fax eller email, om nødvendigt hotelophold og transport. Pkt. 2. Refundering af flybilletten eller dele deraf som ikke er benyttet og om ønsket returflyvning til passagerens første afgangsted. Bistand og assistance skal være tilbudt inden for tiden angivet for pkt.1 i hver gruppe. Kompensation kun såfremt forsinkelsen ikke skyldes usædvanlige omstændigheder som ikke kunne have været undgået, selv om alle forholdsregler, der med rimelighed kunne træffes, faktisk var blevet truffet.
KOMPENSATION VED AFLYSNING : Eller den er meddelt passageren 7-14 dage i forvejen og alternativ transport afgår tidligst 2 timer før og ankommer til destination senest 4 timer efter den oprindelige planlagte flyvning. Eller ved under 7 dages varsel med afgang 1 time før og ankomst senest 1 time efter den planlagte ankomst. Bistand og assistance skal være tilbudt inden for 2 timer efter den oprindeligt planlagte afgang..
Pkt. 1. Forplejning , 2 gratis telefonopkald – fax eller email, om nødvendigt hotelophold og transport. Pkt. 2. Refundering af flybilletten eller dele deraf som ikke er benyttet og om ønsket returflyvning til passagerens første afgangsted. Pkt. 3.Omdirigering, tidligst muligt og under sammenlignelige transportforhold til endelig destination Pkt. 4.Omdirigering under sammenlignelige transportforhold til endelig destination på et senere tidspunkt efter passagerens ønske såfremt der findes ledige pladser. NÆGTET OMBORDSTIGNING: Ufrivillig afgivelse af plads kompenseres med Euro 250 -400 eller 600 med reduktion af 30-50-75% såfremt ankomsttid med alternativ flyvning til destinationen inden henholdsvis 2 , 3 eller 4 timers forsinkelse ,afhængig af afstanden til destinationen. Eller pkt.1,+ 2,3 eller 4 efter eget ønske. NEDGRADERING af siddeplads kompenseres med 30 – 50 eller 75% af billetprisen afhængig af afstanden til destinationen – Flyselskabet kan ikke forlange ekstra betaling hvis de selv opgraderer dig. Reklamationsretten i de enkelte EU-lande oplysninger på denne side er med forbehold for utilsigtede fejl idet den tilsigter nemmere oversigt af regulativet 20 april 2014 |
Reglerne i USA
Airline delays caused by bad weather, traffic control problems, and mechanical repairs are hard to predict. If your flight is canceled, most airlines will rebook you on the earliest flight possible to your destination, at no additional charge. If you’re able to find a flight on another airline, ask the first airline to endorse your ticket to the new carrier. This could save you a fare increase, but there is no rule requiring them to do this.
Each airline has its own policies about what it will do for delayed passengers; there are no federal requirements. If your flight is delayed or canceled, ask the airline if it will pay for meals or a phone call. Contrary to what many people believe, airlines are not required to do so.
Tarmac Delays
Under federal rules, U.S. airlines operating domestic flights must allow passengers to deplane after a tarmac delay of three hours. The only exceptions allowed are for safety or security, or if air traffic control advises the pilot otherwise. Carriers are also required to provided adequate food and drinking water within two hours of being delayed on the tarmac; they must also maintain operable lavatories and, if necessary, provide medical attention. If these requirements are not met, file a complaint with the Department of Transportation.
There are other protections as well, such as prohibiting airlines from scheduling chronically delayed flights. For more information, review the Department of Transportation’s airline passenger protections.
Overbooked Flights
Selling more tickets than there are seats is not illegal. Most airlines overbook their flights to compensate for “no-shows.” If there are more passengers than seats just before a plane is scheduled to depart, you could be “bumped” or left behind against your will. Whether you are bumped or not may depend on when you officially check-in for your flight, so try to arrive early. The U.S. Department of Transportation requires airlines to ask people to give up their seats voluntarily, in exchange for compensation. Airlines decide what to offer volunteers, such as money, a free trip, food or lodging.
Federal rules protect you if you are “bumped” on most flights within the United States and on outbound international flights. Passengers who are involuntarily bumped are protected under Federal Aviation Administration guidelines. If you volunteer to be bumped, your agreement with the airline that is not regulated and will depend on negotiating at the gate.
The airline must give you a written statement describing your rights, as well as the airline’s boarding priority rules and criteria. If the airline is not able to get you to your final destination within one hour of your original arrival time, the airline must pay you an amount equal to 200% of your one-way fare, with a maximum of $650. To receive this payment, you must have a confirmed reservation. You must also meet the airline’s deadlines for ticketing and check-in. An airline may offer you a free ticket on a future flight in place of a check, but you have the right to insist on a check.
Tjek selv eventuelle ændringer i reglerne! Du kan se dem på www.flyforsinkelser.dk